My Life In My Own Way

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Baby, it's (been) cold outside.
Yeah, yeah, I know this is Florida. It doesn't get cold in Florida.
Night time lows in the twenties and daytime highs in the 30's - 40's. Wind chills bringing it down to to the teans and twenties.
Not cold at all is it?
So okay, I'm drawing on my upstate New York roots and bringing out all the treats and tricks that made life not only bearable but actually enjoyable during the winters of my childhood.
Hot beverages- this is a given, everything from hot cocoa to mulled wine. Besides I dislike cold hands and this is te easiest way to warm them when I've been out and about in bad weather especially.
Blankets and throws, especially hand made. Vintage ones from the thrift or antique store work just as well.
Cats (or the favorite pet of your choice) Mine are happy to oblige me by sitting on my feet and keeping them warm.
Baked goods - homemade or bought, your choice. Anything that goes good with the afor- mentioned hot beverages.
My beloved crockpot. This time of year, especially with the new grand baby to Christmas shop for(!), I can't always guarantee that I'll be home in time to make supper so this thing has become my new bff.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
That time of year again
It's also nice to know that your significant other values you enough that it's perfectly all right with him for you to do whatever is neccesary to maintain your health and well being. I'm telling you for once I got it right with him anyway.
Life; believe it or not; really is good after all.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
summer needlework

The pattern is from Knit and Crochet today and is on their website. I find that show has gone a long way towards reconciling me to no longer having Knitty Gritty.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
going seasonal
So, to celebrate my finally being able to shed my sweat shirts and flannel jammies I went exploring in Walmart's (of all places) produce department. And happened upon something that I hadn't seen in quite a while and which made me inordanantly happy-
It's Key lime season here in Florida.
In spite of what most folks outside the state might think we don't always have them in stock in most grocery stores or even at the local farmers market either so when they do appear I try to get a bag or two and try to do both the ubiquitous pie (which let's face it, is ubiquitous because it's so gosh darn good) and something completely different. Maybe a marinade for a steak or grilled chicken. Only Daughter is going to lobby for something with shrimp or seafood and Himself is going to definately want a drink. Hmm, I'm going to have to get another bag or two. Talk about an embarrasment of riches!
Nellie's Key Lime Spritzer
4 oz.s Key Lime Juice
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups white wine or white grape juice
4 cups sparkling mineral water or club soda
Pour sparkling water into a large pitcher. Add sugar, grape juice or wine, and Key Lime juice.
be sure to stir well until sugar is disolved. Pour over ice cubes in tall glasses and garnish with a lime wedge.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I want my life back (or yet another rant against those who think they know better)
Now don't get me wrong, both Himself and I are eating ALOT healthier these days. I've actually eaten more fruits and vegetables in the last six months then I believe I've eaten in the past 40 some-odd years, but honestly, don't these holier then thou goodie-goodies of the allergine free world understand that if a food doesn't taste good or if a particular diet regime does not taste good no one's going to keep with it?
Luckily I've been cooking and baking since I was six (or at least helping my parents at that age.) My mother decided that I could be trusted to do recipes on my own when I was around ten. I sometimes think that Himself decided that I was such a good catch because I could cook and bake! (He, on the other hand, can't be trusted with a can of spagheti-oh's!)
Anyway, the only problem I've had is with figuring out GF yeast breads; they are an entirely differant species of animal from regular wheat flour yeast breads; an entirely different technique is needed to make them come out right. Okay I get that; it may have taken me a minute but I'm getting the hang of that. That's not the problem.
If I don't need to go vegan , or (God help us all) raw foods or macrobiotic then I'm not going to - get over it. Himself and I are dedicated omnivores thank you very much and we would very much like it if folks would leave us alone about it.
Which is why; admittedly in a fit of pique and contrariness; I have decided to start my own Julia Child project. I'm going to, in the coming weeks, try to work my way through the companion book to her series "Baking with Julia". And of course converting all the recipes in the series to being gluten free.
So there. And if I want to end a day of baking not-exactly -the healthiest -things in- the- world to -consume baked goods with treating us both to a steak and some baked potatoes (alright I'll do a salad as well but only because Himself likes them so much) then that's what I'm going to do.
In the mean time lets kick the rebelion off with a couple of longed for treats - Red lobster Chedder Bay biscuits and Pork Bao Buns. (Recipes coming as soon as I can make up some more of my gf biscuit mix.)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I know from cold
Okay, now that it's safe to come out from hiding under the desk, I've got to say in our defence that this would not be the first time that the whole state's citrus crop was threatened with being killed off by freazing weather. And many times it has been.
Which is why I've been crocheting slippers; made with cozy Lion brand Wool Ease yarn in Chestnut Heather and trimmed with Lion Jiffy in Parfait. I love them; they remind me of nothing more then chocolate peppermint bark at Christmas. Which is why I'm in the kitchen baking again, because nothing warms and "cozies" up the house like baked goods; not to mention I'm down to the heel of my gf bread! Not a good thing when I love peanut butter toast and a steming cup of tea on a "cold winter morning like this! (snerk)