My Life In My Own Way

My Life In My Own Way

Sunday, April 25, 2010

summer needlework

Just as I can't deal with anything rich and heavy to eat in the summer time neither can I endure anything thick and woolen to knit or crochet. So mostly I tend to get a good bit of sewing done but now I'm wanting something light and lacy and pretty.

this tank top designed by Doris Chan should do nicely.

The pattern is from Knit and Crochet today and is on their website. I find that show has gone a long way towards reconciling me to no longer having Knitty Gritty.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

going seasonal

I've always liked the idea of doing things by seasons. It just makes sense, after all who wants heavy casseroles and rich cakes in the summer? I always go for citrus fruits in the summer and while some may argue that it isn't quite summer yet it certainly feels like it here in north Florida. Average day time temps are low eighties and nightime average is mid fifties to low sixties.

So, to celebrate my finally being able to shed my sweat shirts and flannel jammies I went exploring in Walmart's (of all places) produce department. And happened upon something that I hadn't seen in quite a while and which made me inordanantly happy-

It's Key lime season here in Florida.

In spite of what most folks outside the state might think we don't always have them in stock in most grocery stores or even at the local farmers market either so when they do appear I try to get a bag or two and try to do both the ubiquitous pie (which let's face it, is ubiquitous because it's so gosh darn good) and something completely different. Maybe a marinade for a steak or grilled chicken. Only Daughter is going to lobby for something with shrimp or seafood and Himself is going to definately want a drink. Hmm, I'm going to have to get another bag or two. Talk about an embarrasment of riches!

Nellie's Key Lime Spritzer

4 oz.s Key Lime Juice

3/4 cup sugar

2 cups white wine or white grape juice

4 cups sparkling mineral water or club soda

Pour sparkling water into a large pitcher. Add sugar, grape juice or wine, and Key Lime juice.

be sure to stir well until sugar is disolved. Pour over ice cubes in tall glasses and garnish with a lime wedge.