Okay, after a summer of regrouping, reorganizing, and reassesing, I can sit back on Sept. 1 (something I do practically every year anyway) and realize that my life; in spite of everything I've had to deal with; especially in my childhood; isn't nearly as miserable as I sometimes think. Or maybe miserable is a bit strong nowadays. Himself has indeed worked miracles in renewing my faith in humanity over the years and his family has taught me that being good to each other and minding ones manners can go along way towards fostering good relations with ones relations. In short - people in general do not all suck after all. And that's nice to know.
It's also nice to know that your significant other values you enough that it's perfectly all right with him for you to do whatever is neccesary to maintain your health and well being. I'm telling you for once I got it right with him anyway.
Life; believe it or not; really is good after all.