My Life In My Own Way

My Life In My Own Way

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What I'm working on now

I'm indulging in a little of what my grandmother would have called "fancy work". Although I think that term technically means any kind of intricate hierloom sewing like with wedding gowns and baby clothes and such. But Nanny used it to mean any kind of crocheting or knitting that would make most people ooh and ahh over your finished piece (You *made* that !? I'd go blind trying to just read the pattern!) Or really anything that gives you bragging rights.

But just between you and me? This one's really easy, just chains, single, double and triple crochet stiches. I now realize that as much as I might enjoy knitting my true metier is crocheting. After all Nanny taught me how to when I was six, and I only took up knitting three years ago.

She also taught me that being able to do something that impresses your friends is never a bad thing either.

This pattern is from the July 2009 issue of Crochet Magazine. If anyone wants a copy of it let me know.

(And if I really wanted to show off I'd tell about the blouse and skirt I'm going to make to go with it, but I won't. Nanny hated braggerts!)

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