Mussings From My Doodad Room
My Life In My Own Way

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Onward and Upward or How to (Legally) Cut the Cable Cord
So, I felt it was safe enough to turn my attention to my computer files to see if there was any tidying up to do there.
Uh... yeah.
I'm always surprised at how much stuff I can accumulate, whether it's yarn or fabric or books, or magazines. Or recipes or patterns or craft projects in my files or - sigh, I just can't get away from it. Thankfully it's a lot easier to clear out this kind of clutter in my computer files than it is in the real world. What I want (and definitely need) right now is storage. Cupboards and pantry, closets, hard drive, never seem to have enough of any of them.
(How much easier would my life be with a delete button?)
But, I digress -
More storage space aside, I've never wanted or needed for much of anything in life. Just what I want and need. When I want and need it.
Take T.V. shows for instance.
Neither Himself or I watch much T.V. anymore. but we want to watch what we want to watch.
When we want to watch it.
For him that means sports and news. Those are easy enough to find online. Local tv channels will live stream their news casts and I've found that the major professional sports leagues and sports channels will live stream through most internet and cable carriers.
He also has several shows that he likes but we aren't always around or just too tired to watch them when they air.
As for me, everything I like is mostly either classic TV, morning (local) news or shopping channels.
Thankfully all of these things are easily found online.
Obviously there is Netflix and Hulu; and there is also Guidebox -!recommended-shows It has a lot of shows on a lot of channels but like Netflix and Hulu you have to purchase many of them.
I was gratified though to find that they all have my favorite classic TV shows like my two favorites Adam 12 and Emergency. (I was never able to make up my mind who I was more madly in love with
Kent McCord ar Randolph Mantooth. Sigh...)
But, no we aren't going to be giving up our TV's anytime soon, it is just too comfortable to sit in the living room or in bed in the evening watching the big game or that week's episode of Arrow or Dr. Who. I just like knowing that whatever I want to watch whenever I want to watch it, I can.
My life my way, easy.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Getting My Act Together - Part 2
So, since I've finally gotten a handle on things house-wise (please God). I've finally got a chance to organize my hobbies and interests (via the Doo - Dad room and kitchen) as well.
My poor doo - dad room has suffered badly lately. it really is in need of a good cleaning and reorganizing.
And new paint on the walls.
And a new ceiling fan.
And new flooring.
And - well you get the idea.
Well, since one chore a day has worked out so well I decided
to organize my crafts like that also.
Monday - knitting
Tuesday - crocheting
Wednesday - needlework
Thursday - sewing
Friday - quilting
Told you I have eclectic tastes.
AND - in between all that keeping up with my blogging
and writing my stories and planning family holidays and
celebrations and - ...
Wow, I'm getting tired
Himself has opined that since I have such a back log of projects
I don't need to be going back to Joanne's or Michaels again any time soon.
Sigh... I do love that man, really I do.
But - sometimes..!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Getting my act together
Wash on Monday

Mend on Wednesday
Churn (or Shop) on Thursday
Clean on Friday
Bake on Saturday
Rest on Sunday
I remember reading that in Little House in the Big Woods and there was a reason or it. If you followed the poem's advice you would have clean clothes for the week and food prep was mostly done so you really could "Rest on Sunday"
Actually, I have arranged my weeks around this sage bit of advice as well. Being able to concentrate on only one chore at a time keeps me from feeling rushed and anxious.
Except for the churning that is. Hence why in our time it has become "Shop on Thursday"
You see, I need the ordered calm from structuring and schedules. It's just so much easier if I can think //I need to get this done by this time// or //Today is my day to do this.// Not having to stress and worry and run around like a crazy person trying to get a lot of things done at once has helped my disposition, not to mention the state of the house. Not that things ever approached hoarder status or anything but my health issues and kids and cats; well let's just say things were starting to slip.
And speaking of laundry, I was starting to lose a lot of socks in the dryer; what the heck is up with that anyway??
Himself has a theory that socks are really coat hanger larva.(!) When they are ready to hatch they go and hide in the closet and hatch into coat hangers. Granted, that would explain why we always seem to have so many more hangers then clothes, but I always thought that was because we kept the ones from the stores when we bought new things. I could be wrong? Maybe we should put up a nanny cam in the laundry room. No, with our luck we'd actually catch the little buggers making for the hall closet!
Anyway, back on topic (clears throat), something else that works for me is to tell myself that I cannot do any crocheting, reading, working on the laptop watching videos writing ect. until this is done. Whatever this happens to be at the time.
Granted I just started on this new regime but it's amazing what can be accomplished when you actually do it.
And anything that's going to get me back to my "stuff" quicker is always going to be worth doing anyway.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year
Friday, February 11, 2011
Going Seasonal - Clementines

(Yes, I'm a sucker for nice packaging.) So of course, I had to tote one home - all five pounds of them.
I sat my treasure on the kitchen counter and went to the internet to consider my options. One of the first recipes I pulled up was Nigella Lawson's Clementine Cake.
And can I tell you - it doesn't have any flour and therefore - no gluten. I'm not sure how you would replace the eggs and almond meal if you couldn't have them but anyway, wow is that cake ever good.
There were enough clementines left to juice and I decided that a recipe for Clementine Beaf would be good for dinner that weekend.
I may even have to go back for another crate to do this drinks recipe as well -
Wonder what's coming in in March?