So, since I've finally gotten a handle on things house-wise (please God). I've finally got a chance to organize my hobbies and interests (via the Doo - Dad room and kitchen) as well.
My poor doo - dad room has suffered badly lately. it really is in need of a good cleaning and reorganizing.
And new paint on the walls.
And a new ceiling fan.
And new flooring.
And - well you get the idea.
Well, since one chore a day has worked out so well I decided
to organize my crafts like that also.
Monday - knitting
Tuesday - crocheting
Wednesday - needlework
Thursday - sewing
Friday - quilting
Told you I have eclectic tastes.
AND - in between all that keeping up with my blogging
and writing my stories and planning family holidays and
celebrations and - ...
Wow, I'm getting tired
Himself has opined that since I have such a back log of projects
I don't need to be going back to Joanne's or Michaels again any time soon.
Sigh... I do love that man, really I do.
But - sometimes..!
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