So, I felt it was safe enough to turn my attention to my computer files to see if there was any tidying up to do there.
Uh... yeah.
I'm always surprised at how much stuff I can accumulate, whether it's yarn or fabric or books, or magazines. Or recipes or patterns or craft projects in my files or - sigh, I just can't get away from it. Thankfully it's a lot easier to clear out this kind of clutter in my computer files than it is in the real world. What I want (and definitely need) right now is storage. Cupboards and pantry, closets, hard drive, never seem to have enough of any of them.
(How much easier would my life be with a delete button?)
But, I digress -
More storage space aside, I've never wanted or needed for much of anything in life. Just what I want and need. When I want and need it.
Take T.V. shows for instance.
Neither Himself or I watch much T.V. anymore. but we want to watch what we want to watch.
When we want to watch it.
For him that means sports and news. Those are easy enough to find online. Local tv channels will live stream their news casts and I've found that the major professional sports leagues and sports channels will live stream through most internet and cable carriers.
He also has several shows that he likes but we aren't always around or just too tired to watch them when they air.
As for me, everything I like is mostly either classic TV, morning (local) news or shopping channels.
Thankfully all of these things are easily found online.
Obviously there is Netflix and Hulu; and there is also Guidebox -!recommended-shows It has a lot of shows on a lot of channels but like Netflix and Hulu you have to purchase many of them.
I was gratified though to find that they all have my favorite classic TV shows like my two favorites Adam 12 and Emergency. (I was never able to make up my mind who I was more madly in love with
Kent McCord ar Randolph Mantooth. Sigh...)
But, no we aren't going to be giving up our TV's anytime soon, it is just too comfortable to sit in the living room or in bed in the evening watching the big game or that week's episode of Arrow or Dr. Who. I just like knowing that whatever I want to watch whenever I want to watch it, I can.
My life my way, easy.
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